Friday, October 7, 2011


The change in weather has really brought out some interesting behavior. We have had several children out sick this week as we have acclimated to colder weather. Please help your child to remember to dress appropriately for the weather. We will also be continuing our good hygiene practices. If the weather is stormy (rain or snow) or extremely cold when students arrive at school, they may come inside before the bell rings, but need to maintain quiet manners.
Just a reminder about the Reflections contest that is sponsored by the PTA. Information papers have been sent home previously with a reminder sent home today (orange note). If you have questions or need additional information please contact Stephanie Kelly ( or Annetta Hessenthaler ( Entries are due Oct. 24th.
Parent/Teacher conferences will be held Nov. 2nd and 3rd. The school is trying online registration this year. Information will be sent home next week with the details of how you can schedule an appointment.
Many parents have expressed an interest in helping with the Halloween Carnival. I have included our Room Mothers information so that you can contact them directly if you would like.
AM class - Rachel Miller (801-889-5391)
PM class - Marcie Ison (801-733-9272)
The excitement is already building for Halloween and will just keep going until Christmas. Here we go!