Friday, April 13, 2012

Important Dates

I hope everyone had a great spring break. Coming back I have realized how quickly time is passing. We have 7 1/2 weeks of school left. I sent home an April calendar this week with some important dates, but just want to review them and add some additional dates so that families can plan effectively until the end of the school year.
April 23rd - PTA sponsored Skate Night @ Classic Skate Center (notes were sent home this week)
April 27th - Cookie Dough orders will be available to be picked up.
May 1st - Kindergarten students eat lunch at school to learn procedures. More info coming.
May 1 - 9 -Online Sign up window for end of year testing appointments. More info coming.
May 7th - Around the World @ Butler Elem. sponsored by PTA.  More info coming.
May 9th - Kindergarten Fieldtrip to Hogle Zoo. PM class will come in the morning that day. More info coming.
May 11th - All take-home books need to be returned.
May 14th - 16th - End of Year Testing for Kindergarten. No classes will be held.
May 23rd - Bobcat Award Cut-off. Notes will be sent home beginning of May with # of goals accomplished.
May 28th - Memorial Day (No School)
May 30th (Wed.) - Class Program for Kindergarten (tentative)  AM - 10 a.m.    PM - 2 p.m.
May 31st - PTA Carnival (evening)
June 1st - Bobcat Award Assembly @ 9 a.m.
June 4th - Field Day
June 5th - Last day of Kindergarten (regular schedule)
Hope this helps with your plans for the rest of the year. Please watch for more details about upcoming events. As always, if you have questions, please feel free to ask.