Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thanksgiving Break

We have begun our classroom book check-out program this week. On Monday, your student should have brought home a large ziploc bag with a note (explaining the program), and a book inside. These books are to help students practice their reading skills at home. Hopefully, they will get a chance to do this over the Thanksgiving break. There is no homework for the week, since it was only 2 days. Thank you for all those parents who have returned notes about their students accomplishing goals for the Butler Bobcat Award. Keep working on those over the break as well. We are looking forward to December and continuing working on our skills. Thanks for all the support!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Bobcat Award

Today a note was sent home outlining the details for the "Butler Bobcat Award". This is an award that students can earn by accomplishing 10 goals from a list of many. The majority of the goals will be monitored/passed off at school, although home practice would certainly help.  There are 4 goals that are "home certified" which means parents are entirely responsible for verifying their accomplishment. Just send a note when your student has completed any/or all of those 4 goals. The first award time will be in January, with a second in March, and a final in May. You will be notified when your child will be receiving their award. If you did not receive this note, please let me know so that another one can be sent. With our short week next week, please remember that Tuesday will be early day. Also students who attend the extended day program (extra practice after AM or before PM class) there will be NO classes next week.  One other reminder, since we have several students with peanut/nut allergies, please do not send any treats or snacks with students that contain these items. We have students who come to school eating lunch or a snack that contains nuts or eating a peanut butter sandwich. Please have them finish these in the car, or not bring them to school. Thank you!

Friday, November 11, 2011

This and That

Now that conferences are over, we are flying ahead into new ideas and curriculum. Please help your student with any issues that were discussed at conferences. Although, we review things occasionally, we need to move forward in order to cover all that we must this year. This coming week, there will be picture retakes on Thursday, Nov. 17th. Students who missed the first session, those who are new, and any who would like their pictures redone should be prepared on that day. New order forms were sent home today (Friday). If you are having your child's picture redone, the previous picture package must be returned.  Also, PM parents, please make sure you do not drop your student off too early. It was reported to the office today that there were two  PM Kindergarten students out on the playground 15 - 20 min. before school started. There is no supervision out there on early days at that time. Luckily, it was not a terribly cold day.
And lastly, THANK YOU to all you parents that have been returning "reading tickets". I know it takes extra time to fill them out, but it really does count. The students are so excited to turn them in. On Monday, a drawing was held and one of our 1st grade students won a new bike! Each week, we are also having a contest between AM and PM to see who turns in the most tickets (reading days).